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Tutorial: Adobe Essential Graphics for After Effects and Premiere Pro

In this tutorial, 我将向您展示如何使用现在内置于Adobe After Effects和Premiere Pro中的Essential Graphics面板, 现在有下载和安装付费或免费动态图形模板的功能.

In this tutorial, 我将向您展示如何使用现在内置于Adobe After Effects和Premiere Pro中的Essential Graphics面板. This is a great feature that they introduced last year, but recent updates have added new features, 包括下载和安装付费或免费的动态图形模板的能力. 这些都可以通过Adobe Stock获得,Adobe一直在大力推广. Adobe Stock has made a lot of strides in both still images, video all the way up to 4K, and now motion graphics templates.

It's a really powerful panel that you may not be taking advantage of. I was hesitant to start using it initially, 因为我不喜欢所有的东西都被捆绑在一个单一的生态系统里, 但我使用得越多——比如在本文将要讨论的项目中, 这是我为客户做的一个实际项目,我发现它非常宝贵. And I really saw how much it could improve my workflow.

The Project

在这个项目中,我被要求为一家银行连锁店创建一个大堂循环视频. 基本上, 这是一个非常普通的视频,将在州内不同地点的大厅的监视器上显示, 它包含了很多不同的信息这些信息是提供给银行客户的, mobile banking, their mobile app, and online banking through their website. 这些都是银行想要推广的东西,以帮助人们了解他们作为银行客户所拥有的所有工具.

基本上, we created a template, 哪个是背景视频还是会平移的静止图像, and then there's a main heading, which is Bullet Point 1, as you can see in 图1 (below). 然后在这三个点下面的文本会发生变化,带有蓝色的复选标记,如图1所示. 这实际上是根据我的一个同事为他们制作的一些其他图形来设计的,那些图形仍然是小册子和海报之类的.

图1. 我们在After Effects的Essential Graphics面板中为这个银行大厅循环视频创建的模板

我们试图匹配动态图形的方式,使它们看起来与人们已经习惯在银行的其他营销材料中看到的相似. Since it was just a bunch of bullet points with bland text, there wasn't much reason to go crazy with effects. 所以我建立了一套简单的效果,将用于一页的项目符号. 然后, using the Essential Graphics panel, 我可以很容易地在Premiere Pro中更改这些,而不必在After Effects中花费大量时间. 然后我用动画编解码器渲染出所有内容,稍后将其带入Premiere Pro.

Building the Template in After Effects

I’ll start by showing you what I built here first. You can see my canvasses in the layers in 图2 (below). Each one is a different set of bullet points and has a different heading. We have E-statements (shown in 图2), 巴兹, which is their own product, and then some other generic ones, including inter网, mobile banking and mobile deposit.

图2. Canvasses created for the banking project in After Effects

然后,我创建了一个背景图形,该图形将与该特定产品的整个系列相同. 例如,巴兹图形显示在图2的Composition面板的左上角. 巴兹和这个角落的图形不会改变,它们实际上是动画. 你可以在这篇文章附带的视频的3分10秒处看到这个动画. You can see the blue slides in and things fade in, but then on top of that, you have a separate one, which is just the bullet points shown in 图1, and those bullet points themselves are completely independent.

So, I'm actually bringing two graphics in to Premiere Pro, but only the one with the bullet points is editable, and you can see in 图3 (below) that I have my Essential Graphics panel already open. It has a drop-down that shows all of the graphics that I've created, so you can easily switch among them, 然后你要做的就是指定你想要在Premiere Pro中编辑的属性.

图3. 在After Effects的基本图形面板的这个下拉菜单中选择Premiere pro -edit属性.

This is good if you're working with someone else, 你是动态图形设计师,你不希望另一个编辑不小心搞砸了你的工作. You can say, “好吧, 我将限制编辑器只能更改文本,不能更改其他内容." So, that's essentially what I did except it's for myself, so I'm not worried about messing up my own graphics.

You have your bullet points here, and I typed more text Bullet Point 1, as shown in 图1, 这样我就可以确保它不会溢出,而不会耗尽文本框中的空间. 我有三个点,加上复选标记,这实际上也是动画的. 你可以在教程视频的4:15处看到复选标记和项目符号, and I put a little blur on them to make the movement look more natural.

But even with the animation, it retains all that in Premiere Pro, and all I have to do is change the text, 我有自定义的图形,我可以很容易地在我的时间轴上复制. I do this once in After Effects, and then I export this motion graphics template, 在后台重新打包,以便Premiere Pro使用.

Related 文章
Jan Ozer explores the new titling tools in Premiere Pro CC 2018, 并解释了如何从头开始创建标题,并使用Premiere Pro中提供的标题模板,并通过新的Essential Graphics面板从Adobe After Effects导入.